We're paying out more music royalties!

We're paying out more music royalties!

We're paying out more music royalties!

We're paying out more music royalties! The Chippass Master Catalog offering sold out on SongVest, selling out all 111 available units. We closed the offering with the SEC and are now issuing royalty payouts to all Chippass Master Catalog SongShares holders. If you own Chippass Master Catalog SongShares, we are issuing the first royalty disbursement from this offering this week.

The total royalties received from Empire Distribution are $1,221.40, and each unit will be paid $10.45. Music royalty payments are deposited via ACH into the bank account connected to your SongVest profile. Login to your account and click on "Dashboard" on the left-hand menu to see your earned royalties posted in your SongVest account.

If you don't own any Chippass Master Catalog SongShares, be on the lookout for future offerings when we announce them.