Wednesday, December 14 - SongVest LIVE Zoom Webinar and Q&A with CEO Sean Peace

RSVP now! Join SongVest Founder and CEO, Sean Peace, for a very special live Zoom webinar and Q&A.

RSVP now! Join SongVest Founder and CEO, Sean Peace, for a very special live Zoom webinar and Q&A.

RSVP now! Join SongVest Founder and CEO, Sean Peace, for a very special live Zoom webinar and Q&A.

Masterworks democratized fine art investing and was recently valued at over $1 billion. SongVest is doing the same for music. Come learn why we think music is a bigger space and how you can invest via our crowd funding round.

Click here to RSVP.

Interested in investing in SongVest? Visit our campaign page here.